
The Best Way to Manage Your On-Demand Deliveries in Singapore With a Fleet System

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In a world where customers want what they ordered yesterday, on-demand delivery is an essential service for Singaporean businesses trying to stay at the top of the commercial food chain. 

But there’s a catch—it needs to be cleverly managed. 

Want to know how? We’ll show you.

In this article, you will:

  • Find out how on-demand delivery or ODD works
  • See why your business needs on-demand delivery
  • Discover how to manage on-demand delivery with Cartrack’s fleet system
  • Look at ODD in different industries
  • Get answers to ODD’s most frequently asked questions

On-demand delivery defined & how it works

Imagine ordering something you wanted yesterday and having to wait a week for it because the online platform you ordered it from doesn’t have delivery options that can get your order to you exactly when you want it. 

That’s what on-demand delivery is—a system where the goods or services you paid for are delivered as quickly as possible after they were ordered or requested. Because of how sought-after on-demand delivery services (ODD) can make a business, it is already available in multiple industries, including courier services, transport, goods and food delivery, and more. 

A customer would purchase a product online, and their successful purchase prompts on-demand delivery services, providing the convenience customers expect from online shopping.  What’s not to love?

The benefits of on-demand delivery

The best part of on-demand delivery is that it’s a win-win for both the business and the customer, with great benefits going both ways. Here are some of the most attractive benefits of delivery on demand:

What’s in it for your business?

One of the best parts of offering on-demand delivery is the benefits you get as a business, especially if you have advanced technology to help manage and automate the process. Here are some of the top perks:

  1. Be a top competitor

    With your competitors just a click away, the pressure is on to provide your customers the most attractive and convenient services. Studies show that if you provide a range of delivery options, you most likely already have three out of five customers on your platform ready to buy.

    Customers want the flexibility and speed that on-demand delivery offers, which can help you score major points if you offer it.
  2. Enhance your customer’s trust

    Trust is essential to creating a loyal customer base. Customers are highly unlikely to return to a business after experiencing trust issues; honestly, neither would we. On-demand delivery usually includes shipment status updates via push notifications, which helps build a solid trust relationship as you keep customers updated.
  3. Save big

    Using advanced technology, it’s easy to automate many of the previously manual, costly, and time-consuming delivery tasks, saving you money as you start building a loyal customer base addicted to the convenience of on-demand delivery. Technology not only helps you automate delivery admin, but with tools like [predictive analytics], you can also forecast demand surges to ensure stock is always ready to be shipped, keeping your profits on a steady increase.

Customer benefits

Would any technologically driven service for businesses be worth it without customer perks? Here’s why customers will return to your business for more if you offer on-demand delivery.

Did someone say convenience?

Customers can’t always be at home to receive their deliveries, but with on-demand delivery as an option, they don’t have to be. This new level of convenience can give your customers control of where and when their orders arrive, enhancing their experience by making it effortless.


The best way to manage your on-demand deliveries in Singapore with a fleet system

As a global keystone for technological development, Singapore-based businesses use technology in all areas of their operations to optimise productivity and speed up processes. So, it’s no surprise that companies offering on-demand delivery services use fleet management technology to provide the smoothest possible experience for themselves and their customers. 

Advanced fleet management technology with a range of fleet tracking and delivery-oriented tools that give companies real-time data, delivery updates, insights on fuel consumption and vehicle health, and driver behaviour ensures your fleet functions at top level on all levels. Here’s why your business needs fleet management technology to shift your on-demand delivery up a gear.

Why does your business need fleet management technology for on-demand delivery?

Vehicle tracking and telematics-based fleet management provide a solid base for any fleet business. Still, fleet tech can also provide specific features that help make on-demand delivery so much easier.

  • One of these features is route optimisation. By planning streamlined routes based on factors like traffic and road conditions, weather, and delivery schedules, you can get the most out of every delivery trip by reducing time and costs while keeping customers happy. Cartrack’s fleet management technology offers advanced route optimisation options accessible from your mobile, ensuring drivers use the most effective routes for on-par delivery.
  • With your delivery vehicles constantly on the road, keeping them in tip-top shape is crucial. Fleet management technology that can proactively schedule maintenance helps you stay on top of vehicle health and longevity without having to add it to an already overflowing to-do list. Cartrack’s fleet pages provide you with regular reports and scheduled maintenance reminders. CANBus integration offers real-time vehicle diagnostics, helping you prevent unnecessary repairs that drain profits and keep your cars on the road and your deliveries on time.
  • No business wants to be known for irresponsible or dangerous driving. With driver scorecards, your delivery drivers’ braking, speeding, and cornering are constantly monitored so you can train your drivers according to their individual areas of improvement. With this top-tier fleet management feature, Cartrack helps you effectively coach your drivers, reduce the risk of accidents, improve workplace safety and compliance, and reduce bad driving-related repairs like gearbox replacements.

Fleet management operations in Singapore are geared towards optimising efficiency and productivity. With tech-oriented solutions like fleet management software, businesses can experience ongoing growth and fleet expansion and remain key players in an ultra-modern and competitive market.

The rise of micro-mobility and its need for robust fleet management technology

In predominantly urban countries like Singapore, the new but highly efficient concept of micro-mobility is gaining traction because it enhances transportation in areas with high traffic congestion and decreased sustainability goals.

Micro-mobility explained

Think transport using lightweight, fuel-friendly or electric vehicles like scooters and bikes offered for short-term use. In 2020, the Singapore micro-mobility market produced a revenue of $15.8 million, with an expected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 64.2% between 2020 and 2030. 

Micro-mobility offers a quick and zippy way for a business to meet its on-demand delivery needs in an environment that is already experiencing government intervention to reduce traffic congestion with strict regulations and requirements like the COE or Certificate of Entitlement to own and drive a car. 

However, micro-mobility can be even more optimised by adapting fleet management technology to the micro-mobility sphere for smoother on-demand delivery. For example, Cartrack’s Bike Track and Delivery technology allows fleet managers to keep real-time tabs on not only cars and trucks but also delivery bikes operating in the micro-mobility ecosystem to ensure timely on-demand deliveries. 

Our mobile-friendly feature also helps improve dispatch efficiency,optimise delivery schedules, and help make delivery arrival times more accurate for top customer service.

Sustainability matters: keep your emissions to a minimum with these advanced features

As a global society, we aim to reduce emissions and increase sustainability. The great thing about fleet management technology is how much it can help you do that. Harmful emissions are inevitable with on-demand delivery directly contributing to traffic congestion, especially if delivery vehicles use fossil fuels. 

Singapore has ambitious carbon emission reduction targets for 2030, and with advanced fleet technology, every fleet-based business can contribute to a greener and cleaner society.

Cartrack’s fleet management system combined with our MiFleet cost management software empowers you to run a greener operation with fuel efficiency monitoring that provides data on fuel consumption and vehicle usage and location, allowing you to identify inefficiencies, potential fraud or theft and implement effective fuel-saving strategies.


Top industries in Singapore that benefit from on-demand delivery

With on-demand delivery being used by multiple industries in Singapore, it’s proven to be more than just a fad. Here are some of the top ones that rely on this business strategy to build their businesses:

  • Logistics: On-demand delivery services like DHL, UParcel, and Pickupp are particularly popular among courier companies in Singapore.
  • Food and beverage: There’s no shortage of companies using on-demand delivery in the food and beverage sector, as it’s one of the cornerstones of what makes them popular options. Think Flash Coffee and Oddle.
  • Retail: as another key example of a business model that relies heavily on the convenience of on-demand delivery for its customers, top companies include DHL Express and Grab Delivery.
  • Medical: Some medical and pharmaceutical product deliveries can be time-sensitive, especially in a life-or-death situation. In general, medical businesses like WhiteCoat and GMedes with their clinic app service G-MEDS.

There’s definitely a need for on-demand delivery services in the Singapore commercial sector, and effective management of these deliveries helps increase profits, improve efficiency, and cultivate a loyal customer base.

Nail your on-demand deliveries with Cartrack’s advanced tech

What could be better than solid, data-driven tools that put you in control and actively help you build a loyal customer base? 

Contact us today to help your on-demand delivery operation reach its full potential.

Do you want your customers to love you? Discover how to manage your on-demand delivery like a pro and get 5-star ratings every time.