
PSG Grant Singapore: Approved Vendors For A Modern Fleet System

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Have you considered the Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) for your business? 

If you’re looking for solid productivity and financing support while staying ahead in the competitive fleet industry, it’s worth finding out more about what the Productivity Solutions Grant offers SMEs in Singapore.

Let’s show you how a PSG pre-approved fleet system can advance your business.

In this article, you will:

  • Get a guide to Singapore’s Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG)
  • Understand the key criteria for PSG grant eligibility
  • Explore essential factors to consider when choosing a PSG grant-approved vendor
  • Uncover the benefits of using Cartrack’s PSG-approved fleet management system
  • See how Cartrack’s system empowers fleet-based companies in Asia

What is the productivity solutions grant?

The Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) was introduced in Singapore in April 2018 to help companies improve their operations by implementing technology solutions. With the help of this grant, businesses can purchase equipment and IT solutions or get consultancy services to improve their productivity and give them a competitive edge. 

The grant provides financial support to a maximum of 50% for SMEs in various sectors, including accounting, construction, engineering and logistics. To receive the grant, businesses must be eligible and interested in purchasing pre-approved solutions from pre-approved providers.

The PSG grant empowers businesses to acquire IT solutions that:

  • Automate tedious manual tasks
  • Assist with database management
  • Improve B2B sales and procurement
  • Streamline their operations
  • Workforce upskilling

Here’s a summary of the information you need to know about PSG eligibility requirements and PSG grant-approved vendors.

How the PSG grant works

To unlock the benefits of the PSG grant, your business must be eligible, and you must select products and services from pre-approved vendors.

PSG grant: business eligibility

To be eligible for the PSG grant, your business must:

  • Be registered and operating in Singapore
  • Be at least 30% locally owned
  • Have a group annual sales turnover of less than S$100 million
  • Have a workforce of fewer than 200 employees

Eligible businesses can only receive support for IT solutions from vendors approved by Enterprise Singapore (EnterpriseSG). While Enterprise Singapore (EnterpriseSG) approves vendors for the program, this doesn’t automatically mean government endorsement. However, vendors undergo a rigorous application process to be approved as an IT solutions provider. 

As a result, there are plenty of benefits to using a grant-approved vendor compared to other solutions on the market.

PSG grant: approved vendors

Using a PSG grant-approved vendor has benefits, such as:

  • Substantial cost savings: Your business saves on the costs of implementing new digital technologies or systems. This way, you reap all the gains from integrating an IT solution, without the high initial investment.
  • Pre-approved solutions: Selecting a PSG-approved vendor ensures you get the funding you need faster and implement your new system sooner.
  • Wide range of options: SMEs can choose from a wide selection of IT solutions and vendors to help them address their challenges.

Overall the Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) offers a valuable opportunity for your business in Singapore. However, you must select the vendor that best aligns with your specific business needs. 

For businesses with fleet management challenges and inefficiencies, here are a few factors you should consider when deciding on a PSG grant-approved vendor for a fleet system.

4 Factors to consider when choosing an approved vendor for a modern fleet system

If your business is facing fleet challenges, consider the following when deciding on which approved vendor to go for.

1. Features and functionality:

Does the system offer the tools you need to improve your fleet management? Consider whether the system offers all the necessary features, such as GPS tracking, route optimisation, fuel management or vehicle cost management.

If a certain vendor requires you to get a third-party solution or any external additional software for fleet management, then this may not be the best IT solution for you.

2. Pricing:

Are you getting the most advanced and cost-efficient fleet system? Even though the grant subsidises 50% of the IT solution, the remaining 50% is at a cost to you. Your budget matters, so it’s important to compare the costs of a fleet system between vendors. 

Consider the final cost after the PSG grant: if the cost exceeds your budget for a new fleet management solution, then choose a more scalable vendor. A scalable vendor gives a quote according to your fleet size instead of a generic quote for all fleet sizes.

3. Customer service:

Does the vendor have a good reputation for customer service and support? As your business transitions to digital fleet management, you must get a vendor that can support you in this transition. 

Choose a vendor with a proven track record of excellent customer service who can support your employees and managers in transitioning to a new fleet system. 

4. Ease of use:

Is the new fleet system user-friendly and easy to integrate with existing systems? User-friendly technology will help employees (drivers and managers) transition smoothly to the new system. By working with user-friendly systems, your businesses get to avoid challenges like change resistance or technical issues and delays. 

Before deciding on a fleet system, consider how user-friendly the system is for both administrators and drivers. This will help get your whole organisation on board. 

Now, let’s explore Cartrack's advanced fleet management system and the benefits of integrating our fleet management solutions into your business.


Cartrack: The Top PSG-approved fleet management system

Cartrack is a PSG grant-approved vendor for fleet management systems. Our industry-leading fleet management solutions help businesses across different industries improve their fleet and workforce performance. 

We harness telematics and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) tools to ensure businesses get the most out of their fleet investment returns. Here’s how they use Cartrack’s fleet management software to help them achieve this.

1. Track fleet vehicles

Cartrack’s GPS tracking and fleet monitoring software give fleet managers real-time visibility of their fleet while it’s on the road. With cloud-based software, fleet managers and users can remotely monitor their vehicles and driver activity to make data-driven decisions.

These data insights help businesses improve productivity because managers can better understand the cause of delays or late deliveries. 

By combining the best GPS tracking devices and telematics technology businesses can streamline their operations and make data-driven decisions to improve productivity.

2. Reduce fleet costs

Cartrack helps businesses reduce fleet expenditure using Cartrack Fleet Pages and other integrated tools such as MiFleet. MiFleet is an administration and cost validation tool that helps businesses keep track of their overall fleet vehicle costs. By understanding all the relevant costs involved with your fleet you can identify cost-inefficient behaviour and make informed decisions to reduce your fleet's operating costs. 

3. Ensure fleet compliance

Cartrack’s fleet management software helps businesses in Singapore adhere to regulatory standards such as paying vehicle permits, toll payments, license renewal etc. Fleet compliance helps businesses maintain a safe and effective fleet, but also avoid downtime from missing payments or fines. Using Cartrack’s Fleet Pages, managers can set reminders to pay vehicle permits, upload money to their toll card etc.

4. Keep up with fleet maintenance

Cartrack uses fleet maintenance tools like CANBus integration and automated alerts on Fleet Pages to help businesses keep their fleet vehicles in good health and avoid breakdowns. By avoiding breakdowns, you can ensure improved productivity and avoid costly downtime. 

Our fleet management system tracks information such as vehicle mileage and engine diagnostics, and you can also set up service reminders. Businesses can get proactive about maintenance and arrange regular maintenance and vehicle service. 

5. Fuel management

Our comprehensive fuel monitoring systems help businesses quickly identify inefficient practices and potential fuel theft. We use advanced fuel sensors, fuel cost validation software and telematics to provide the most accurate fuel measurement and consumption information. SMEs benefit from integrating a fleet management system that helps with monitoring fuel consumption because

6. Monitor driver performance

Cartrack’s driver monitoring system (DMS) is integrated with the fleet system to help managers ensure driver safety and productivity. Managers receive alerts on harsh driving events and dangerous driving. They can also monitor driver performance and initiate training to discourage dangerous driving, such as cell phone use, or fuel-inefficient driving habits like idling and speeding. 

We use driver scorecards to monitor and rate drivers, and this point system discourages drivers from high-risk behaviour. Businesses can improve productivity by monitoring their drivers' activity. 

As our PSG-approved fleet management system is also scalable to your fleet size, it is one of the most budget-friendly options.  

Curious about how our fleet management system has recently benefited a business in Singapore? Read more about RichLand Logistics’ success story below.


Case study: How Cartrack enriched RichLand Logistics

RichLand Logistics is a leading provider of logistics solutions across Southeast Asia. It provides cargo and freight services to customers in various industries, including technology, petrochemicals, consumer goods, and manufacturing. With over 350 transport fleets, RichLand Logistics fulfils more than 40,000 deliveries monthly. 

RichLand needed solutions to ensure they complete on-time deliveries, reduce their fleet’s operational costs and ultimately boost productivity. Here’s how Cartrack’s fleet management system empowered RichLand logistics to easily achieve these goals. 

Using real-time tracking with GPS and geofencing technology, Cartrack helped RichLand improve its on-time deliveries by increasing fleet visibility. Fleet managers could monitor the delivery progress and address delays quickly and effectively. Richland gained valuable insights that helped reduce operational costs through fuel and driver performance monitoring.  

“Cartrack's fleet management system provides us with automatic updates on fleet information that helps us make intelligent business decisions to decrease operational costs and maintain our service levels.”  - Frankie Koh, Head QHSSE, Fleet Management and Procurement, RichLand Logistics

Partner with Cartrack as a PSG-approved vendor, allowing you great benefits and the opportunity to reap great results. 

Benefit from Cartrack’s PSG-approved fleet management products

Don’t settle for the average fleet system; invest in Cartrack. Using the most cutting-edge technology to deliver innovative fleet management solutions makes us a top PSG-approved vendor for a reason. Beyond fleet tracking, we offer solutions that maximise efficiency and support business growth and productivity.  

Contact us for a demo of our fleet management system here.

Got questions about PSG? We’ve got your answers

  1. What is a PSG grant?

    The Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) is a subsidy amount awarded to eligible businesses to help them purchase equipment, IT solutions, and consultancy services to improve their productivity and competitiveness.
  2. Who is eligible for a PSG grant in Singapore?

    Businesses are eligible for the PSG grant if they meet the following criteria:

    - Be a Singapore-registered business
    - Have a minimum of 30% Singaporean shareholding
    - Group annual sales turnover of less than S$100 million
    - Employ fewer than 200 people
  3. Can I use the PSG grant for any fleet system?

    Businesses can only receive funding for pre-approved solutions offered by pre-approved vendors for fleet management systems.
  4. How can I apply for the PSG grant?

    To apply simply:

    - Get a quotation from the PSG vendor you choose
    - Submit the quotation and application to the Business Grant Portal

    You will receive notification of the outcome in four to six weeks
  5. How can I find a PSG grant-approved vendor for a fleet system?

    You can find a list of pre-approved vendors for fleet systems and the solutions they offer on the GoBusiness government website.
  6. Is the PSG grant taxable?

    The Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) itself is not taxable. It's a government grant that helps businesses invest in equipment or solutions like our fleet management system. However, any profits your business makes using the PSG-funded equipment or solutions may be taxable.

Cartrack Singapore offers innovative, PSG-approved fleet management solutions for PSG-eligible businesses to improve productivity and grow their business.