
How to Achieve a Good Work-Life Balance as a Fleet Owner in Singapore

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In 2023, 68% of Singaporean workers experience stress at least once a week, including fleet owners. 

Work can easily creep into your personal life, increasing stress and reducing productivity. Fleet owners can end up spending too much time tracking drivers, creating fleet reports, and analysing fleet expenses, resulting in long hours spent at work and less time spent with loved ones and friends. 

Fleet management software can help fleet owners achieve a better work-life balance as well as improve fleet productivity and profitability.

While being used to the constant stress and imbalance can start feeling normal, let’s show you how to improve your and your workers’ life quality by achieving a healthier work-life balance.

In this article, you will:

  • Understand what a work-life balance is
  • Learn about the challenges to achieving a work-life balance in Singapore
  • Discover ways that fleet owners in Singapore can achieve a good work-life balance
  • Find out how to get a good balance using Cartrack’s fleet management software
  • Get answers to the most common questions asked about work-life balance in Singapore

Work-life balance: What it is, why it’s important and why it’s difficult to achieve in Singapore

A work-life balance involves managing the demands of your work and personal life to handle stress, avoid burnout, increase job satisfaction, and improve overall well-being.  

It is not just some pop-culture reference or generational problem but something all workers in Singapore (SG) should pursue. This is especially true considering that 70% of Singaporean workers (old and young alike) report having a poor work-life balance, primarily because of work overload. 

The approach to work-life balance varies across different generations, with some baby boomers and Generation Xers preferring a traditional work-life balance with distinct boundaries between work and personal life, and millennials and Generation Z preferring a more fluid work-life balance without strict boundaries. 

More businesses are facing the challenge of how to encourage employees to have a work-life balance or create an environment that suits everyone’s needs. Employees are also struggling to figure out whether they have balance. 

Here are some clear signs of an unbalanced work-life (for employees)

  • Constantly thinking about work.
  • Frequently working long hours.
  • Your relationships are suffering (friendships, family, co-workers).
  • Constantly feeling tired and experiencing other aches and pains.
  • Struggling to take time off when you fall ill.
  • Finding it challenging to take care of personal tasks.
  • Depression, anxiety, or other mental/physical health challenges.

If you are a fleet owner, driver, or manager experiencing any of these signs, whether you have a fleet of 10 vehicles or 100, you are possibly experiencing a dysfunctional work-life balance. Take this seriously because these affect your personal life and business.

Negative effects of a bad work-life balance

A poor work-life balance not only impacts workplace productivity because of fatigue, but it can also have other negative effects on workers. 

For example, people who struggle with a poor work-life balance may experience the following effects:

  • Increased levels of stress and stress-related illness.
  • Lower work satisfaction.
  • Recurring absenteeism.
  • Rising healthcare costs.
  • Subpar performance at work.

According to a 2023 Ipsos survey for World Mental Health Day, 46% of Singaporeans consider mental health to be the biggest health problem facing the country, with cancer being the second and, finally, stress coming in third. In addition,  39% of Singaporeans reported having to take time off work due to stress in the last year, with 15% saying they had to do this multiple times a year. This survey shows that work stress is a major concern for many people in Singapore. 

A poor work-life balance can also have negative effects on businesses:

  • A higher number of employees experiencing personal family-related challenges.
  • Reduced productivity.
  • Higher rates of absenteeism.
  • Lower organisational commitment and loyalty.

Besides impacting individual work and business, a poor work-life balance can have devastating consequences for your personal relationships.


Challenges to achieving work-life balance in Singapore

The work-life balance culture in Singapore is challenging, and nearly impossible as many workers experience long working hours, a high-pressure environment, and an overwhelming workload. Here are some common challenges to achieving work-life balance in SG.

1. Working hours

The average Singaporean works 45 hours a week, unlike the average 40-hour work week in other countries. The demand that employees work lengthy hours makes it difficult for them to find time for their personal lives, spend time with their family and friends or pursue their hobbies.

2. Demanding jobs

Singapore is one of the most overworked countries in the world. Where almost 9 out of 10 people said they feel work stress, and 16% said that they feel their stress is not manageable. Increasing job demand makes it hard for people to switch off work and focus on their resting time. This often leads to burnout and reduced productivity because of the never-ending work cycle.

3. Lack of flexibility

Rigid working hours and limited remote (work-from-home) options make it challenging for employees to manage their time and other commitments because of strict work schedules, etc. While 83% of employers in Singapore believe their businesses support flexible work arrangements, just 61% of employees feel their workplace is flexible which shows that there is a different understanding of flexible work. In another study, it was revealed that 85% of employees are eager for their companies to introduce more flexible work arrangements.

4. Challenging commute to work

85% of Singaporean workers spend over two hours on public transportation every day, according to the 2022 Moovit Public Transport Index. Spending a lot of time travelling and commuting to work or experiencing congested transportation can negatively affect employee well-being.

5. Work-centric culture

Our culture values and prioritises professional work obligations over personal time, making finding a work-life balance difficult. 1 in 10 employees experiences favouritism, bias, and narrow-minded behaviour at work, which is one of the biggest discouraging factors in Singapore, according to an IPSOS survey on work culture. A work-centric culture also makes it challenging for workers to communicate their needs, with only 58% of Singapore employees saying their employers welcome open and honest feedback, according to a similar study on workplace culture in Singapore. 

6. Competition and work pressure

The high work pressure and competitive culture for promotion in Singapore make it difficult for workers to have a good work-life balance. Over 55% of workers said they experience a lack of trusting relationships at work and this makes cooperation more challenging.

Well, fleet owners can also face similar challenges in their fleet management. They can easily default to a live-in office, go home to sleep, rinse, and repeat routine that results in stress, burnout, and a lack of balance.

Here are the major causes of stress and burnout for fleet owners:

  • Ensuring driver and fleet productivity.
  • Tracking fleet vehicles.
  • Fleet accidents and liability.
  • Driver and vehicle safety.
  • Leadership challenges.
  • Controlling fuel consumption and overall fleet expenses.
  • Vehicle management.
  • Late deliveries and customer service.
  • Fleet reporting and administration.
  • Operations management.
  • Regulatory compliance.
  • Environmental compliance.
  • Driver retention and engagement.

Trying to balance all of this and a personal life almost seems impossible but it’s important to figure out how to maintain this delicate balance for your health and to produce quality work. Let’s show you how fleet owners can achieve a better work-life balance.

3 top ways fleet owners can achieve a work-life balance

There is an imbalance between work and personal life in Singapore, and it’s no secret that the result of this is that employees often feel overworked, tired, and stressed.

One of the best ways fleet owners can achieve a work-life balance is to encourage and emphasise the value of a balanced life through actions and procedures. Here are some measures fleet owners can put in place to help themselves (and everyone involved in the running of their fleet) balance their work and life better.

1. Clearly define working hours

The line between work time and personal time can easily blur, contributing to workers feeling like their work never stops. For fleet owners or managers, job-related stress is quite common because their drivers are always on the road. Fleet owners are expected to be easily accessible, so communication between drivers and management is important. Well, most of you understand that this is the nature of your work, you most likely don’t enjoy picking up or answering calls and messages from drivers during family dinners. 

Clearly defining work hours may sometimes seem impossible in this profession because one is expected to constantly monitor drivers and vehicles and be readily available in emergencies. 

By defining work hours for your employees, you will ultimately help yourself and your drivers balance the workload. As a fleet owner, you can set expectations for drivers when they are on duty or when to perform maintenance tasks and schedule their breaks. Defining work hours can help improve productivity and ensure employees are not overworked. This will also help fleet owners ensure they comply with labour regulations and manage their workforce efficiently.

In practice, fleet owners can make the following changes to help them achieve work-life balance:

  • Understand when drivers or employees are off duty.
  • Foster a culture of not disrupting personal time/day off.
  • Encourage focused and productive work during designated hours.
  • Communicate their availability to colleagues.
  • Make space for regular breaks.

2. Coordinate breaks and rest periods for drivers

Drivers frequently spend long hours and nights on the road, away from family and friends. Many fleet owners and companies have attempted to coordinate brakes and rest periods for drivers well en route to help them avoid fatigue and prevent fatigued accidents. Fewer fleet owners have considered reducing the time drivers spend away from work. 

One change fleet managers can make is to coordinate drivers' schedules better to ensure they do not spend an unreasonable amount of time away from home and family. This may mean scheduling longer breaks from work or avoiding setting strenuous transport schedules.

Fleet managers can make it easier for drivers to stay in touch with their loved ones and be more considerate of requested time off for family-related special occasions. When drivers can make time for their families, it improves their overall work happiness and helps your company retain drivers. 

Fleet owners can make the following changes to help them achieve work-life balance

  • Limit the amount of overtime drivers can work.
  • Introduce a more realistic schedule for drivers with longer breaks.
  • Encourage drivers to keep in touch with family and friends.
  • Offer more flexible work arrangements for drivers.
  • Prioritise productivity over hours worked.

3. Use fleet management software and other technology

Fleet software is designed to help streamline tasks and connect fleet managers, drivers, and other relevant stakeholders. Fleet owners can use this advanced technology to improve their daily fleet operations, which can help them create a better work-life balance. By integrating fleet software, GPS trackers, and other monitoring systems, they can improve their fleet productivity and profitability, ensuring they achieve a proper return on investment. 

In a 2022/2023 study on fleet management, 45% of businesses reported a return on investment from fleet management solutions in less than 11 months. Fleet software can help fleet owners reduce stress and achieve a work-life balance. 

This promise is not too good to be true; it’s the good news you must hear. Fleet management systems help fleet owners and all other relevant stakeholders reduce the workload by automating tasks, customising and compiling reports, making fleet cost management easier and more efficient. 

Let’s show you all the benefits of fleet management software for fleet owners in Singapore.


How fleet management software helps fleet owners in Singapore achieve better work-life balance

Here are the top fleet management software features that help fleet owners reduce stress, increase productivity, and ultimately achieve a better work-life balance.

1. Real-time GPS tracking

GPS tracking increases vehicle and equipment visibility for fleet owners. This allows you to monitor your entire fleet's activity from anywhere. With this increased visibility you will no longer have to worry about manually monitoring drivers because you can see past vehicle activity and gain access to full-trip history reports to understand your fleet activity, even on your day off.

2. Driver monitoring

With driver behaviour monitoring tools fleet owners can stop worrying about whether their drivers are safe on the road. You can receive live audible alerts for bad driving such as speeding, harsh cornering, and acceleration. With driver identification tools, fleet owners can also access driver-specific reports and daily logs. Avoid driver management challenges by using these monitoring tools.

3. Automated tasks

Fleet software technology helps fleet owners automate administrative tasks and reduce workload so they can focus on other important tasks. With Cartrack’s MiFleet, an accounting and administrative software platform, you can easily digitise the daily fleet admin tasks. Customise and download vehicle and driver reports, and avoid any manual data entry. Your fleet’s information becomes accessible from one platform. For fleet owners, this means you get to avoid the extensive manual work of compiling reports and analysing fleet data information. This effectively reduces your workload.

4. Improved communication with drivers

Vehicle, driver, and other fleet information is accessible from anywhere using the Cartrack app. This means fleet owners can work from anywhere and easily communicate with drivers no matter where they are. This helps improve productivity and maintain open communication within your fleet operation. You can also limit communication with drivers, ensuring that all communication is done within work hours. By limiting overtime, you can help your entire team prioritise productivity by working smarter, and faster.

5. Predictive maintenance and reminders

To avoid vehicle and machinery breakdowns or any unplanned downtime, fleet owners must also schedule the maintenance of their fleet. This can be costly and stressful, but with fleet software, fleet owners can receive alerts and reminders for routine or planned service checks. This feature helps fleet owners manage their fleet efficiently and free up their time for personal activities.

6. Ensure fleet compliance

Fleet owners can address compliance challenges by keeping up with their road tax payments, toll charge payments, vehicle roadworthiness tests, and renewing insurance. Costs and fines can easily creep up on you, to avoid charges for late payments and other issues with compliance, fleet management software can help you keep track of all costs. 

Store vehicle and driver information (like insurance papers) in our cloud-based storage. Set reminders for road tax certificates and insurance information expiration dates, this helps you keep track of dates on when you should renew your insurance, and licenses or update toll charges. Fleet owners can avoid any information overload and the struggle of trying to remember every fleet detail.

Boost productivity by helping your fleet achieve a healthy work-life balance with Cartrack

As a fleet owner, you are responsible for the productivity and profitability of your fleet and for your work-life balance. 

Cartrack’s fleet management software helps you manage all your fleet responsibilities to easily achieve your work-life goals. 

Contact us today for more information.

5 FAQs on Work-life balance in Singapore

1. What causes poor work-life balance?

There are a few causes for a poor work-life balance, but the most commonly known causes include:

  • High workload and job demand
  • Poor organisational culture
  • Inadequate resources and tools to perform duties
  • Difficult manager/employee relationship
  • Absence of flexibility.

2. How can I get a work-life balance in Singapore?

The work-first culture in Singapore makes getting a work-life balance difficult. Here are a few things you can do to enjoy a more balanced life.

  • Ask other team members for help (if it is not burdensome) collaborating with others where possible can reduce stress and help you keep up with workload/demands.
  • Use your holiday time, especially the unused holiday days to take some time off work and spend it with your loved ones
  • Improve your diet and exercise habits, this can help with energy and allow you to focus on taking care of your physical wellness.
  • Support your co-workers, where reasonably possible, and offer to help them with tasks once your work is completed. Creating a culture like this helps build better teamwork.
  • Try to have a more positive attitude towards your coworkers and managers, but you can still have a more positive environment.

3. Which company is best for work-life balance in Singapore?

Because of their employee-friendly policies, flexibility, and positive work culture, companies like Google, Facebook, Shell, Amazon, Microsoft, Visa Inc., and HubSpot have continuously ranked highly for work-life balance.

4. What is the best way to achieve work-life balance?

Take it from some of the leading companies for the best work-life balance in Singapore. Companies can introduce more employee-friendly policies, and flexible schedules and change the work culture to help everyone achieve a better balance.

5. How employees can achieve a decent work-life balance?

As an employee, achieving a balance may be more difficult in some companies. Here, it may be easier for you to individually make space for yourself, your personal life and your interests and treat these like a priority too. This is often easier said than done, but certainly worth the effort.

Employees can try these easy fixes for creating a decent work-life balance.

  • Don’t constantly overwork—regularly working long hours is unhealthy. While it may sometimes be necessary, for example, to complete a project, it is not good for you to constantly overwork yourself, so try to reduce your overtime and avoid working holidays and weekends as much as possible.
  • Rest: Make time for rest, relaxation, and personal activities, and treat your rest as a priority.
  • Self-care: Perform minor tasks that help you manage stress and improve your energy for work. For example, instead of sleeping in the office daily, make sure that you rest at home.
  • Teamwork: A highly competitive work environment stifles team collaboration, but collaborating is one of the best ways to complete tasks and create a more positive work environment.
  • Don’t neglect your personal relationships: While work can be demanding, continue to try to show up for your loved ones, and find other ways to maintain healthy relationships, quick video calls, lunch together and spending time with them on your rest days.

Uncover Cartracks Fleet Management Software

Employees and fleet owners struggling with a work-life balance can be a business challenge, affecting your productivity, growth, and competitiveness. Our fleet management solutions can help reduce the workload and improve your drivers and fleet’s overall performance

Get a good work-life balance using  Cartrack’s fleet management software. 

Contact us today for more information.

Struggling with work-life balance? Learn how fleet management software supports fleet owners for a healthier lifestyle in Singapore.