
Fleet Operations: 7 Ways To Boost and Future-Proof Your Business

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From adjusted regulations to new technology, Singapore’s fleet industry is defined by constant change. Are your operations equipped to handle these changes? 

Don’t get blown away by the storm. Let’s find out what future-proofing your fleet looks like and how Cartrack’s fleet management solutions can help you stay steps ahead of the wave.

In this article, you will:

  • Learn what the future of fleet management in Singapore looks like
  • Uncover what a fleet manager needs to prioritise for success in this era
  • Delve into what future-proofing is and why it’s so important for fleet success
  • Explore how fleet management can make future-proofing your business simple
  • Discover how Cartrack is your one-stop shop for future-proofing your fleet

Seven advancements in the future of Singapore’s fleet operations

Singapore is a country of advancements, and these are trickling into the fleet industry. Let’s take a look at the top seven advancements in the country’s fleet operations:

1. Autonomous vehicles:

Autonomous vehicles can drive themselves with little to no human action. While these vehicles are now taking the world by storm, Singapore led the wave, launching the first driverless taxi in 2016. With more growth in the future through government initiatives, Singapore’s autonomous car market is expected to grow by 15.2% to $1,865.9 million between 2024 - 2031.

2. Electric vehicles:

Singapore is all about sustainability, even being called a leader in green urban development. In the move to renewable energy, the country has implemented electric vehicles. These vehicles run on electricity and are powered by rechargeable batteries. It’s just like using your phone or laptop; simply plug it in and wait for it to charge. 

The use of these vehicles is on the rise. The Land Transport Authority (LTA) shared that in 2023, a total of 5,468 EVs were registered, which is 50.5% higher than 2022’s numbers (3,634). It is now being estimated that at least 50% of Singapore’s taxi fleet will be electric by 2030, thanks to their goal to do away with gas-engine vehicles.

3. Advancements in 5G and 6G

By 2025, 55% of Singapore will have adopted 5G. The country is speeding towards this goal, with Singtel’s 5G network providing over 95% of the coverage. 5G is the go-to choice for increased speed, lower latency, and connecting to multiple devices. But while the rest of the world is still playing catch up with 5G, Singapore is already looking to 6G. This next level of internet speed will open industries up to real-time holographic communication, artificial intelligence in everyday life, immersive AR and VR, and seamless connections between the many IoT devices in the country.

4. Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT is a large number of devices that connect, exchange data, and upload it to the cloud. Singapore’s smart city approach uses IoT technology for housing, healthcare, and sustainable transportation. Through real-time data, connected sensors, and cameras, IoT technology has helped the country unlock smart traffic management systems, which help reduce congestion, improve traffic flow, and lower harmful emissions.

5. VR

With advancements in 5G, VR will be tagging along for the ride through in-depth training. We’re already seeing its impact in training in multiple industries, including healthcare (with simulations like intensive care units and pharmacies) and construction (with simulations that put students on construction sites without the safety risk). This will now extend to fleet industry training.

6. Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS)

Have you ever booked an Uber? Then you’ve enjoyed the benefits of Mobility-as-a-Service. By providing a more convenient way of moving around, this technology aims to reduce the use of private cars. This will help lower traffic congestion, transportation costs, and harmful emissions. It also unlocks the flexibility to use shared fleet vehicles on demand, which leads to significant cost savings and environmentally friendly practices. 

7. Big Data

Big data is the large amount of data businesses collect. This data grows a lot over time, giving businesses in-depth insights into their operations. Big data can be explained with three V’s that help us understand what makes it different from old-fashioned data. These are:

  • Volume: The amount of data collected
  • Variety: The types of data (structured, semi-structured, and unstructured)
  • Velocity: How fast the data is collected

Fleets use big data to stay informed and tailor their operations based on real-time data and analytics. By making informed decisions, they will unlock new levels of efficiency and profitability. 

This shows the new heights that Singapore’s fleet operations will soon reach. But with all these advancements come responsibilities that fleet managers need to prioritise. Let’s find out what they are.

What does a fleet manager in Singapore need to prioritise in this era of fleet management?

As a fleet manager, the success of your operation is on your shoulders. This sounds like a heavy burden to carry, but if you prioritise the following things, it won’t be a hassle for you. Let’s explore some expert tips:

  1. Embrace new technology:

    We live in the digital age, and Singapore is at the heart of technological innovation. To be successful in the fleet management industry, you need to stay on the pulse of technological advancements. Technological innovations like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), as well as IoT, have turned traditional fleet management on its head and are leading the way to cleaner, faster operations.
  2. Watch out for maintenance costs:

    Your fleet is like a baby that needs constant care and attention. As a fleet manager, you must keep your vehicles in the best condition. The only way to do this is to constantly monitor their maintenance needs, which is difficult to do manually. This is where you make the most of digitalised tools that help you automate your fleet processes.
  3. Automate your fleet processes:

    Singapore is fast-paced, and the same needs to apply to your fleet. As a fleet manager, you must find ways to automate your duties. This includes knowing where your vehicles are at all times and receiving alerts the moment they need maintenance. With solutions such as GPS tracking, telematics, and advanced data analytics, you can find tools to simplify and automate the nitty-gritty parts of your job.
  4. Keep your operations sustainable:

    Your fleet needs to be as sustainable as the country it is in. Even if you’re not hopping onto the EV train just yet, you still need to keep your practices environmentally friendly and your carbon emissions at a minimum. This means spotting dangerous driver behaviours that increase your emissions and stopping them.
  5. Closely monitor every fleet expense:

    Knowledge is power. If you’re not on top of your fleet expenses, you won’t know what needs to be fixed or optimised. You need to know exactly how much each part of your fleet is costing you. This helps you spot cost drainages that affect profitability, making your fleet cost-effective and sustainable.
  6. Keep your fuel efficiency high:

    Fuel may not be that common in Singapore, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t know exactly how much fuel your fleet consumes. Fuel costs in our country are quite high, with Grade 92 averaging S$2.92 a litre, Grade 95 at S$2.97, and diesel at S$2.70. As a fleet manager, you need to be on top of this. This information can help you pinpoint areas where fuel consumption can be more efficient and cost-effective.

So how can you ensure that you make these a priority in your fleet with ease? The answer is simple; you need to future-proof your fleet.

What does a fleet manager in Singapore need to prioritise in this era of fleet management

What is future-proofing?

You know how we stock up on nutrient-rich foods like fruits and vegetables to prepare our bodies for flu season? That’s exactly what future-proofing is, just for your business. Simply put, it means planning ahead so that no unexpected events knock your business off balance. The fleet management industry is full of change, and to remain successful, your fleet needs to get ahead of any changes and be adaptable. Now that we know what it is, let’s see what makes future-proofing important for your fleet.

Why is it important to future-proof your fleet?

Future-proofing your fleet means investing in methods that will help you meet your business’s changing needs. Before we unpack the importance of future-proofing your fleet, let’s explore the key trends that are shaping the future of fleet management:

  • The rise of telematics:

    Telematics is what makes monitoring vehicles in real time a reality. This means fleets have detailed information on vehicle performance, maintenance, fuel efficiency, and driver behaviour.
  • The AI revolution:

    AI is taking the world by storm, and fleets are a part of that world. With its role in preventative maintenance and autonomous vehicles, AI is here to simplify all things fleet management.
  • The power of the cloud:

    Cabinets full of brown files and stacks of paper are a thing of the past. With cloud solutions, all the needed data is available from anywhere and anytime.
  • Focus on sustainability:

    If your business isn’t focused on sustainability, it’s not a part of the Cool Kids Club. Singapore is a low-lying country, making it more vulnerable to the effects of climate change. With developments such as EVs, the fleet industry is more conscious of the environment, and if you’re not keeping yours sustainable, it will get left behind.

Now that we know the trends that will shape the future of fleet management, let’s take a look at why you must take advantage of them:

  • They give your fleet a competitive edge:

    In the ever-changing fleet world, staying ahead gives you the upper hand. Whether it be industry trends or new products, future-proofing ensures that your fleet won’t stumble and fall.
  • They improve fleet flexibility:

    Future-proofing your fleet makes it easy to keep improving and adapting to changes. It also makes scalability possible, ensuring that the growth of your business isn’t met with challenges.
  • They help your fleet save costs:

    Future-proofing helps you stay 10 steps ahead. So any unforeseen events, such as accidents and increased fuel costs, won’t catch you by surprise. This helps your fleet save money you would’ve needed to spend making up for these sudden expenses.
  • You can prioritise proactivity over reactivity:

    Being reactive with your fleet is outdated. With future-proofing your fleet prepares for anything instead of reacting to everything. Preparation is key to handling whatever challenges are thrown your way. This helps keep your fleet sustainable, profitable, and efficient.

Have we gotten your attention yet? If you’re tired of your fleet living in the present, it’s time to unlock the power of the future. But how can you do this?

Seven ways to boost and future-proof your fleet

Future-proofing your fleet shouldn’t be as difficult as jumping through fire hoops. It should be a simple process handled on your phone or laptop. How? Here is our Cartrack-approved guide to help you future-proof your fleet in seven easy steps:

  1. Track your vehicles in real-time:

    In the fleet world, visibility is power. Knowing where all your vehicles are in real-time helps you know exactly what’s going on with your fleet. If not, you’ll be left in the dark on how your operations are running.

    Let’s look at our favourite fleet manager, John. One of his drivers was involved in a car accident, making it difficult for him to complete all of his deliveries for the day. With real-time vehicle tracking, he can spot which vehicle is closest to the accident. This information helps him send help to his driver. It also helps him send a driver there to collect the goods that need to be delivered and get them to customers on time.
  2. Smart maintenance:

    If there’s one thing your fleet should avoid, like the common flu, it’s unplanned downtime. Unexpected maintenance issues can cause this. Your fleet needs to be proactive with vehicle maintenance. This ensures all issues are addressed before they become more costly and serious.

    This used to affect John. He was constantly caught off guard by worn-out brake pads and faulty gearboxes, which led to his vehicles breaking down at the most inconvenient times. This became very disruptive to his delivery operations, which was costly and hurt customer service. However, with smart maintenance, John can pick up on vehicle faults before they become more serious. With real-time insights, he can schedule maintenance based on his fleet’s work schedule, ensuring his operations aren’t interrupted.
  3. Keep an eye on fuel consumption:

    Fuel is one of your biggest expenses, and if you’re not careful, it could impact efficiency and profitability. Keeping a close eye on each vehicle’s fuel consumption is your key to cost savings, improved efficiency, and safety. This is something that John wishes he had known sooner.

    He never used to monitor his fuel consumption, which meant he wasn’t able to properly budget, spot potential fuel theft, or boost his fleet’s efficiency. The only way he would know his consumption was by manually calculating it. This led to inaccuracies caused by human error. If he had an automated way of monitoring his consumption, he would have accurate measurements that would help him pinpoint sudden fuel spikes, fuel theft, and fuel-wasting driving behaviour.
  4. Maximise resource management:

    Resource management is making sure you have all the resources you need to complete a project or delivery. This means keeping track of all your resources and their usage rates and preparing schedules using this information. This improves fleet efficiency, making sure you never miss a deadline.

    John used to play a guessing game with his resources and how they were used. This meant he was double-booking vehicles and not booking the correct vehicle for a task to be completed. These errors affect profitability, efficiency, and customer service. But with a resource management solution, he can ensure the right vehicles are assigned for jobs to be completed effectively.
  5. Monitor your driver’s behaviour:

    Drivers are a crucial part of your fleet because their behaviour affects overall productivity and profitability. This is why you must keep an eye on their behaviour and make sure they are driving as safely and responsibly as possible.

    Before, John wasn’t keeping an eye on driver behaviour. This meant he couldn’t know how each driver was behaving behind the wheel, pick up on risky actions, or provide driver-specific training to improve this behaviour. But with full visibility, he can now keep a constant eye on his drivers' behavior in real time.
  6. Go green:

    In a green country like Singapore, your fleet must jump on the sustainability wagon before it gets left behind. To future-proof your business, you need to look beyond the bottom line. You need to keep an eye on the impact your fleet has on its environment, too.

    Take a look at John, who isn’t keeping his fleet sustainable. Even if he doesn’t change his gasoline vehicles to EVs, he can still implement sustainability measures such as driver behaviour monitoring, preventative maintenance, and route planning. These measures can help him keep his fleet green. So if a new carbon emission restriction for vehicles pops up, he can manage it since he has already prioritised sustainability.
  7. Centralise your information:

    We live in a digitised world, and no one wants to sift through piles of papers searching for one document. This is why you must keep all your information in one convenient, easy-to-find place. Whether it be your fuel consumption reports, monthly expenses, or driver behaviour reports, you need this information at your fingertips.

    John doesn’t centralise his information, meaning he can spend hours looking for just one document. This can be frustrating and time-consuming, especially when there are deadlines to meet. What he needs is a secure place to keep all his documents online where finding them is a peaceful breeze.

When you implement these seven tips, your fleet will be ready for anything the road throws at it. But to do this, you need a solution that makes this the most peaceful part of running your fleet. That solution is Cartrack.

Seven ways to boost and future-proof your fleet

Future-proof your fleet with industry-leading solutions

Cartrack is an industry leader when it comes to fleet management. With our forward thinking, we keep your fleet ready for anything and help you dodge unforeseen curve balls. Let’s explore the solutions we offer that make this possible.

  • GPS tracking:

    Calling your drivers to find out where they are is an outdated way of doing things that leaves you stuck in the past. Gain accurate, real-time vehicle location updates with Cartrack’s GPS tracking. Powered by our IoT device, you receive real-time insight into the location of all your vehicles. This helps you pinpoint where your cargo is and know how far it is from its destination by simply clicking on our fleet platform or mobile app.
  • Fuel monitoring system:

    Playing the guessing game with your fuel consumption is old school, so welcome accurate, in-depth fuel consumption insights with Cartrack’s fuel monitoring system. Fuel takes up a large chunk of your fleet’s budget, so you need to be all hands on deck when it comes to knowing how much fuel each of your vehicles is burning. Equipped with fuel sensors installed inside your fuel tanks, this system helps you monitor fuel consumption and spot sudden spikes in fuel consumption in real time. With this information, you can optimise fleet fuel efficiency and make every litre count.
  • Cost management:

    Numbers are a big part of fleet success, so monitor every cent your fleet consumes with MiFleet, our cost management solution. This easy-to-use accounting software helps you spot every expense your fleet incurs, from fuel costs to licence renewals. This helps you stay on track with every expense and effectively plan your fleet's budget. By doing so, you maximise profitability, spot money drainages, and effortlessly make your fleet a cost-saving one. 
  • Preventative maintenance:

    Take on a proactive approach when it comes to vehicle repairs with Cartrack’s preventative maintenance. You no longer have to wait to hear a weird sound or pick up on a funky smell from your bonnet before knowing your vehicle needs to go in for maintenance. When detecting mechanical issues, our system sends you real-time alerts, helping you quickly notify your drivers. With this, you can notify them where to take the vehicle. By using your utilisation hours and historical maintenance data, we customise your maintenance schedule for you, helping you avoid costly unplanned breakdowns.
  • Carpool:

    Say goodbye to double vehicle bookings and improve job efficiency with Cartrack’s Carpool feature. Available as a value-added service, this fleet vehicle booking and management solution allows you to conveniently assign jobs to your entire fleet vehicle booking and management system. Available to managers, drivers, and sub-users, this solution is your ticket to improved efficiency and enhanced operational growth.

Activate a safe, efficient, and profitable fleet with Cartrack’s future-focused solutions

The secret to successful fleet operations is being prepared for anything the road may throw at it. Make your fleet forward-thinking today and unlock that success. 

Contact us today, and make your fleet future–proof and ready for the world.

Discover the key to future-proofing your business in Singapore's evolving fleet industry with seven simple steps.