
Drivers Incentives - Why Implement Incentives For Your Truck Drivers

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Fleet managers—yes, you—have you heard about how it’s becoming more difficult for companies to retain their skilled drivers? And how new drivers don’t plan on staying in the industry for long because of how unsafe and stressful trucking is? 

Have you been experiencing a similar problem in your fleet? 

Driver incentives can help you keep your drivers on board and improve driver safety and performance. But what would be enough to make your drivers feel more appreciated and rewarded?

Let’s explore the benefits of using incentives to encourage truck drivers and the different incentives you can consider for your fleet staff.

In this article, you will:

  • Learn the benefits of incentives for truck drivers
  • Get answers to your questions about incentivising truck drivers
  • Find out how to incentivise truck drivers and measure the effectiveness
  • Discover different types of incentives for truck drivers
  • Get answers to your most frequently asked questions about driver incentives

Why incentivise truck drivers?

Truck driver incentives are programmes businesses can introduce to reward and motivate their drivers for safe driving or good job performance, such as completing on-time deliveries and other work achievements. 

The incentives can include monetary rewards, recognition among peers, time off and more. Unfortunately, over the last few years, many businesses have abandoned or lowered such reward programmes in their fleet. 

The International Road Transport Union (IRU), in its 2023 report on driver shortages, revealed that over 50% of companies across several countries surveyed face severe difficulty filling truck driver positions. Due to increasing driver shortages in the transport industry globally, there's a scramble for skilled truck drivers, which means businesses have to do more to attract and retain skilled truck drivers. 

Driver incentives can help businesses:

  1. Encourage drivers to improve their behaviour and performance.
    Offering performance-based incentives, such as improved safe driving practices or more fuel-efficient driving, can encourage drivers to care more about their behaviour on the road.
  1. Attract and retain the best truck drivers
    Driver incentives can improve your business’s reputation, which means more skilled drivers will be interested in working with you. Your benefits and incentives may also likely convince your current drivers to continue working for you
  1. Build a better culture of safety and work-life-balance for truck drivers
    Depending on the incentive and programme implemented, you could build a great work environment for your drivers by them knowing you treat safety and a healthy work-life balance as top priorities. 
  1. Improve customer satisfaction and business performance
    Your fleet’s performance can also affect your customer retention and business performance, sometimes even causing major profit loss and jeopardising client relationships. With driver incentives, you can motivate your drivers to work towards on-time cargo delivery without damage or loss, helping you keep your customers happy and your business growing.

These are the benefits of giving incentives, but there are risks to not implementing incentives. These risks include losing loyal drivers or ending up with drivers who lack experience and skill when recruiting. 

But what’s the holdup? Why are more businesses hesitant to incentivise truck drivers? Let’s take a look at some of the challenges businesses face when it comes to driver incentives.

The holdup: 5 business challenges for implementing driver incentives 

Here are 5 challenges businesses face with implementing incentive programmes. 

  1. Costly programmes
    Implementing a monetary incentive programme can be costly, so more businesses opt out of offering financial incentives. The good news is that there are cost-effective compensation programmes that businesses can choose from, 
  1. Lack of consistency
    Trucker incentives cannot be a one-off thing. The point of introducing incentives is to continually motivate drivers to meet a target; if there is no target to achieve, then businesses may not experience consistent efforts from their drivers. Some companies may find it easier to exclude any incentives to avoid inconsistency from drivers. 
  1. Sustainability
    A sustainable driver incentive programme is the key to not going over budget, driver incentives should never be about how much you can offer drivers but whether you can keep offering incentives for a long time. 
  1. Unintended consequences of incentives
    Incentivising drivers to make more deliveries or pickups per shift adds unnecessary pressure that may result in unwanted consequences, such as reckless speeding when making deliveries or excessive truck loads. In addition, some truckers may want to work more hours no matter the cost. Before implementing a programme, try to avoid incentives that may result in unfortunate consequences. 
  1. Lack of interest from drivers
    Sometimes, the incentive is simply not enticing enough for your drivers. Things like small monetary compensation, unattainable targets, lack of equipment to fulfil the role and uncompetitive incentives may cause a lack of interest from drivers and disengage them.

However, finding solutions to these challenges is certainly worth a try, so let’s explore how you can implement driver incentives in your fleet management. 

Why data-driven rewards are the best solution for your incentive programmes

Data-driven incentive programmes are an efficient and effective way to monitor your driver's performance and incentivise them.  

  1. Personalised feedback: You can provide your drivers with personalised feedback that allows them to track their performance and understand their strengths and weaknesses so they can personally improve their driving and performance.
  2. Fair assessment: Rewards are based on data from safety scores, customer ratings, and deliveries, so they are not about favours or good relationships with managers.
  3. Measurable impact: Track how effective your programs are and make adjustments using driver behaviour reports. 
  4. Ensure driver engagement: With more regular feedback and recognition through incentives, data-driven rewards can help encourage and motivate your truck drivers.

Data-driven incentives are an all-in-one solution. By using driver behaviour monitoring and built-in metrics to monitor truck drivers, fleet managers can easily see if their programme is working. 

How to incentivise truck drivers

Don’t just say you offer better incentives than other companies in the fleet game; introduce incentives that drivers want and care about.

Our research shows that, in addition to monetary compensation, truck drivers would also appreciate more regular home time, higher pay for work, honest workloads, better equipment or trucks for the job, and more friendly staff and work environment. 

Here are a few ideas for implementing an incentive programme for truck drivers. 

1. Tailor incentives to a specific goal

What are your driver-related business challenges? For example, if your business delivers products for retailers or directly to their customers, then you could incentivise drivers to fulfil orders on time.

The most common driver incentives are safe driving programmes that reward drivers for good driving performance and safe driving. Cartrack’s driver scorecards are a helpful way for businesses to track their drivers and monitor their performance. Our gamified method scores drivers for good driving and reduces points for bad driving, such as speeding over road limits or other harsh driving, like excessive acceleration and braking. 

If you’re concerned about the number of accidents and incidents your drivers have been involved in lately, then consider introducing safe driving behaviour incentives. 

Other goals you may want to achieve with safe driving are:

  • Improving driver productivity
  • Improving customer services
  • Increasing number of deliveries
  • Increasing number of on-time deliveries

2. Give monetary and non-monetary awards

The purpose of incentives is to improve driver morale, performance, and job satisfaction and, in that way, retain fleet drivers or attract other skilled drivers. There are different types of incentives for truck drivers you could choose from. 

That said, the truth is that monetary incentives tend to motivate drivers more. 

Monetary awards for your truck drivers for achieving specific goals, such as improved driving, on-time delivery, fuel efficiency or safe driving.

  • Cash bonus in the form of a 13th cheque, voucher or direct deposit.
  • Paid time off to support your drivers' well-being.
  • Increasing their base pay or offering a sign-on bonus for new drivers who join your team.

There are other changes businesses can make or incentives they can offer to encourage truck drivers. 

  • Training and promotion opportunities.
  • Better vehicles and trucks.
  • Recognition awards like certificates, trophies, and other forms of acknowledgement for their driving accomplishments.
  • Incentivise milestones such as “first long-haul delivery” to encourage drivers to strive for other challenges. 

3. Use Cartrack’s data-driven incentive ideas for truck drivers.

Data-driven incentives are a reward system that uses performance metrics to encourage and recognise safe driving. Tracking your drivers’ performance is the best way to ensure your incentive programme is fair and accurate. Here are a few ways you can reward drivers based on data. 

Fuel-efficient driving: Track your truck's fuel consumption with Cartrack’s fuel monitoring solutions equipped with fuel sensors. You can reward drivers who achieve high miles per gallon (MPG) or litres per 100 kilometres (l/100km). You can also reward drivers for avoiding idling and other fuel-wasting behaviours.

Safe Driving: Track your drivers’ performance and use data on bad driving behaviours such as braking, excessive acceleration, or speeding to identify your best and most responsible drivers and reward them with bonuses or recognition. Fleet managers can customise and receive notifications for bad driving to stay in the know of their drivers.

Route optimisation: Recognise drivers that complete routes more efficiently, complete work in the planned timeframes and minimise unnecessary stops. Our Cartrack delivery tool makes it easy for businesses to optimise delivery routes and support drivers.

On-time delivery: For delivery fleets, businesses can reward drivers who consistently deliver on time or even ahead of schedule. Cartrack delivery simplifies this process for fleet managers who can track all progress on deliveries. 

How to measure the effectiveness of driver incentives

You’ll never know whether driver incentives are working for your business unless you also introduce metrics to measure whether they are beneficial. 

Here are some ideas you can use to continuously measure your truck drivers' interest in your incentive programme and see whether they are effective in your business. 

  1. Use employee surveys
    The hope is that new driver incentives will encourage your employees in their work, but surveys can also help you understand your truck drivers better. Understand whether your drivers are satisfied with your incentives and gauge their interest in your recognition or incentive programme. Employee surveys and other forms of feedback can help you better meet your drivers' expectations.
  1. Align incentives with company values and goals
    Use data-driven measuring tools such as Cartrack’s fleet management reports. Our customisable reports for fuel efficiency and driver safety, for example, will help you see improved fuel efficiency and safe driving in your fleet. This shows the effectiveness of your incentives with these insights. 
  1. Review and adapt incentives programme regularly
    Improve your incentives programme regularly to attract and maintain driver engagement. Increase the competition or incentives available to drivers. 
  1. Customer service survey/questionnaire
    Get feedback from your customers and clients on your drivers’ delivery or service through surveys, quick questionnaires, or by asking for an online review. 

Data-driven incentives are a smarter and quicker way to implement driver incentives in your fleet and measure their effectiveness. Let me show you why this is the best solution. 

Start using Cartrack’s data-driven rewards to incentivise your drivers 

Incentives are a great way to keep your truck drivers happy while attracting new drivers to your business. 

Data-driven rewards will make implementing and measuring your incentive programme all the more easier. 

Contact us for a Cartrack Singapore demo

Frequently asked questions on driver incentives

  1. What are driver incentives?
    Driver incentives are performance-based compensation, and rewards businesses offer to their drivers. Whether truck drivers and other employees use business vehicles, such as technicians or sales agents, for good driving or good performance to encourage and acknowledge them. 
  1. How to create a driver incentive programme?
    Begin by understanding your truck drivers' needs and expectations, then consider how you can encourage them to improve or maintain their performance at work. You can use either monetary rewards or non-monetary things like time off, or recognition for achievement.  
  1. What are the most effective driver incentives for truck drivers?
    Money, money, money—bonuses, pay increases, and tips are the most effective incentives for truck drivers. However, truck drivers also enjoy vacation time, paid days off, and longer breaks after long-haul trips.
  1. How do driver incentives impact driver retention?
    Driver incentives are proven to encourage and motivate drivers, but the reward has to be good enough. 
  1. How do incentives impact driver safety? 
    Driver incentives for safety are proven to create a safety-first culture, encourage safe driving practices amongst truck drivers, reduce the frequency of accidents, and help novice drivers improve their skills fast. 
  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a truck driver?
    The biggest advantage of being a truck driver is that you get to travel across the country and see new places. One disadvantage that is frequently mentioned is the higher risk of accidents, long work hours and frequent fatigue from work. But the biggest disadvantage is the lack of home time, to make more money, you’ll often need to work more or work longer hours, which means you spend more time away from home and loved ones. 
  1.  What is the best part of being a truck driver?
    Truck drivers enjoy benefits such as insurance, retirement plans, paid time off, incentives, and other benefits that make the strenuous task worth it.

What would be enough to keep skilled truck drivers in your fleet? Find out more about the benefits of incentives for your drivers.